Creating a Healthier Home

laundry room dryer balls

How to Use Dryer Balls

Janet Ouellette

If you're looking for a more environmentally friendly way to dry your clothes, dryer balls are a great option. They're reusable, gentle on clothes, can help reduce static and wrinkles, and...

How to Use Dryer Balls

Janet Ouellette

If you're looking for a more environmentally friendly way to dry your clothes, dryer balls are a great option. They're reusable, gentle on clothes, can help reduce static and wrinkles, and...

eco kitchen essentials

How to Keep your Home Clean Without Using Toxic...

Janet Ouellette

How to Keep your Home Clean Without Using Toxic ChemicalsCleaning without toxic chemicals is a trend on the rise as people become aware of the hazards that synthetic detergents and...

How to Keep your Home Clean Without Using Toxic...

Janet Ouellette

How to Keep your Home Clean Without Using Toxic ChemicalsCleaning without toxic chemicals is a trend on the rise as people become aware of the hazards that synthetic detergents and...

house plants clean indoor air

Indoor Air

Janet Ouellette

Its not only important for our health that we eat clean, use non toxic products on our bodies and in our homes, but also that the air we are breathing...

Indoor Air

Janet Ouellette

Its not only important for our health that we eat clean, use non toxic products on our bodies and in our homes, but also that the air we are breathing...

newborn baby feet

Benefits of Breastfeeding

Janet Ouellette

It is an important decision whether to breastfeed or bottle feed. Having the support you need is one of the keys to being successful. Whether you choose to breastfeed exclusively...

Benefits of Breastfeeding

Janet Ouellette

It is an important decision whether to breastfeed or bottle feed. Having the support you need is one of the keys to being successful. Whether you choose to breastfeed exclusively...

Healthy Snack Ideas

Healthy Snack Ideas

Janet Ouellette

  One of the easiest areas to go off track when trying to eat healthy is snacks. We often get hungry in the middle of the day or late at...

Healthy Snack Ideas

Janet Ouellette

  One of the easiest areas to go off track when trying to eat healthy is snacks. We often get hungry in the middle of the day or late at...

Five Easy Steps to a Healthier You

Five Easy Steps to a Healthier You

Janet Ouellette

Many people decide they want to make healthy lifestyle changes but very few seem to follow through. As with anything else you need to be consistent for a period of...

Five Easy Steps to a Healthier You

Janet Ouellette

Many people decide they want to make healthy lifestyle changes but very few seem to follow through. As with anything else you need to be consistent for a period of...